Mount View is accredited as an International Baccalaureate World School implementing the Primary Years Programme and continues to develop an international perspective in education. The school’s curriculum framework incorporates the eight learning areas aligned with the Victorian Curriculum. In addition, a range of extra curriculum and other opportunities are provided to students. These include learning programs in specialist learning experiences in Physical Education, Visual Arts, Performing Arts and Languages (Mandarin).
At Mount View PS, it is our goal for our students to be motivated, compassionate, life-long learners helping to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. We aim to provide challenging and engaging programs which promote inquiry and reflection to develop internationally minded citizens. We prepare our students to meet the challenges of an ever-changing global society. We strive to equip our students with the knowledge, skills, values, understandings and courage to undertake a positive, productive and rewarding role in the world. To achieve this end, we aim to develop independent, confident and resilient learners.
The Victorian Curriculum is the Prep to Year 10 curriculum that provides a single, coherent and comprehensive set of prescribed content and common achievement standards. The curriculum is the common set of knowledge and skills required by students for life-long learning, social development and active and informed citizenship. Mount View PS uses the Victorian Curriculum to plan student learning programs, assess student progress and report to parents.
The Victorian Curriculum promotes learning in the following domains: English and English as an Additional Language; Mathematics; The Humanities (Civics and Citizenship, Economics, Geography and History; Science; Technologies (Design and Technologies and Digital Technologies); Languages Other Than English (Mandarin); The Arts (Dance, Drama, Music, and Visual Arts); Health and Physical Education and Capabilities (Critical and Creative Thinking, Ethical, Intercultural and Personal and Social).
Further information about the Victorian Curriculum can be located at: